Tag Archives: tantrum

Treatment of a Traumatized Five-Month-Old Child

This episode features the narration of the article Treatment of a Traumatized Five-Month-Old Child by Alberto Folia, M.D. from the Journal of Orgonomy volume 55 issue (1). Listen in to hear the remarkable story of how Dr. Foglia’s patience and therapy technique helped Laura and her mother overcome Laura’s sleep problems, anxiety and intense agitation.

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Beyond Tantrums: Connecting with a Troubled Three-Year-Old

This episode features the audio from one of our ACO case presentation series webinars, “Beyond Tantrums: Connecting with a Troubled Three-Year-Old” In this episode, Alberto Foglia, M.D. tells Dr. Burritt about a three-year-old girl named Aline that he’s treating for terrible tantrums, problems sleeping, and silly clown-like behavior. He explains how her treatment vividly demonstrates a key discovery of Wilhem Reich which is fundamental for Medical Orgone Therapy.

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