Category Archives: orgonomy

Treatment of a Traumatized Five-Month-Old Child

This episode features the narration of the article Treatment of a Traumatized Five-Month-Old Child by Alberto Folia, M.D. from the Journal of Orgonomy volume 55 issue (1). Listen in to hear the remarkable story of how Dr. Foglia’s patience and therapy technique helped Laura and her mother overcome Laura’s sleep problems, anxiety and intense agitation.

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To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: A Conversation with Dr. Crist

This episode features a discussion with Peter A. Crist, M.D. about sleep. Dr. Crist talks with Dr. Burritt about the latest research, outlines a way to look at sleep functionally, and gives examples from literature, his practice and his own life about how sleep is so often ignored and yet vital to human functioning.

Dr. Crist quotes from the episode:

“Sleep is a spontaneous process.”

“There is no such thing as a bad dream.”

“What we don’t understand we ignore, neglect, or treat with contempt.”

“Sleep is essential for physical and emotional health.”

Journal of Orgonomy Issues mentioned during the episode:

Volume 41 Issue 1

Volume 42 Issue 2

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A Troubled 74-Year-Old Man Finally Gets the Right Diagnosis

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO case presentation series webinars, “A Troubled 74-Year-Old Man Finally Gets the Right Diagnosis.” In this episode, Philip Heller, M.D. tells Susan Marcel, D.O. about his 74-year-old patient who was feeling inferior, full of doubt, and isolated from others. Listen in to hear how Dr. Heller connected with his patient, what he saw in his symptoms and behaviors, and how the treatment resulted in a surprising response.

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Problems of Childhood Self-Regulation in an Age of Permissiveness: Journal of Orgonomy Article

This episode features the narration of the article Problems of Childhood Self-Regulation in an Age of Permissiveness by Peter A. Crist, M.D. reprinted in the Journal of Orgonomy Volume 46 number 2. Originally published in Volume 33 in 1999, Dr. Crist’s article is even more applicable today as parenting has become increasingly indulgent in today’s anti-authority social environment. We hope you’ll share this important information with parents and educators so that those responsible for child-care can have a functional perspective, free of both moralism and an “anything goes” lenient approach.

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Beyond Tantrums: Connecting with a Troubled Three-Year-Old

This episode features the audio from one of our ACO case presentation series webinars, “Beyond Tantrums: Connecting with a Troubled Three-Year-Old” In this episode, Alberto Foglia, M.D. tells Dr. Burritt about a three-year-old girl named Aline that he’s treating for terrible tantrums, problems sleeping, and silly clown-like behavior. He explains how her treatment vividly demonstrates a key discovery of Wilhem Reich which is fundamental for Medical Orgone Therapy.

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Medical Orgone Therapy: Journal of Orgonomy Article

This episode features the narration of the article Medical Orgone Therapy by Howard Chavis, M.D. from the Journal of Orgonomy Volume 31 number 2. It is a comprehensive introduction and overview of the type of therapy taught at the ACO and will also be available on Substack as our first post. Listen in to hear more about some of Wilhelm Reich’s major discoveries, the development of medical orgone therapy and what sets it apart from any other psychiatric treatment.

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A Sexually Confused Young Man

This episode features the audio from one of our ACO case presentation series webinars, “A Sexually Confused Young Man.” In this episode, Edward Chastka, M.D. tells Dr. Burritt about Bill, a 19-year-old young man who came to him after being discharged from a psychiatric facility where he’d been hospitalized briefly after developing an acute psychosis. His psychotic episode appeared to have been triggered by the increased use of alcohol, cannabis and occasionally, amphetamines.

As Bill emerged from his psychosis, he revealed a history of confusion and fears about his sexuality. Initially, Dr. Chastka’s therapy focused on resolving Bill’s confused and psychotic thinking and then was directed toward helping him discern the relationship between his sexual fears and his paranoid and delusional thinking. Listen in to hear how Dr. Chastka helped Bill understand his sexual feelings and realize what kind of intimate relationship was best for him.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry


A Single Encounter Had an Incredible Effect on a Teenaged Boy

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO case presentation series webinars. Jackie Bosworth M.D. tells Dr. Burritt about an adolescent named Stevie who had to be physically restrained, but she resolved a tense situation and brought him relief. Listen in to hear how Dr. Bosworth was able to connect with Stevie and show him and the staff another approach to emotional and physical distress.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry


My Experience in Medical Orgone Therapy: David

This episode features an extraordinary interview with a patient who tells Dr. Burritt about his background and treatment in medical orgone therapy. For privacy, the patient’s and therapist’s names have been changed. Listen in to hear about David, who was severely ill with polio as a child and separated from his family for treatment. He sought therapy for his anger and anxiety at a crucial moment in his life as an adult and only then learned how truly traumatized he had been. Listen in to hear how his therapy not only helped him, but also went beyond those problems, touching every aspect of his life

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry


A Young Woman Emerges from A Psychotic Abyss

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO case presentation series webinars. Salvatore Iacobello, M.D. tells Dr. Burritt about his patient Kate who suffered with symptoms of psychosis and wanted more than just medication to handle her illness. She also wanted more out of life. Listen in to hear how Dr. Iacobello was able to connect with Kate, slowly help her out of her psychotic abyss and improve the quality of her life.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry