Tag Archives: parenting

When Yelling Is Music: Journal of Orgonomy Article

This episode features the article When Yelling is Music by Virginia L. Whitener, Ph.D. from the Journal of Orgonomy Volume 56 number 1 narrated by Hilary Kayle Crist. The article is a beautiful vignette of a medical orgone therapist dealing with her patient’s difficulty with maintaining perspective during the resolution of a crisis by allowing the patient to express her feelings in therapy rather than by dismissing or dulling them.

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ACO – Orgonomy.org

Like Mother, Like Daughter

This episode features the audio from one of our ACO case presentation series webinars, “Like Mother, Like Daughter.” In this episode, Chris Burritt D.O. tells Edward Chastka, M.D. about his twelve-year-old patient, Olivia, who was anxious and withdrawn and brought for treatment by her parents. The mother, Sabrina, was also very anxious and by working with both the mother and daughter, Dr. Burritt learned just how profound an effect Sabrina had on her daughter. Listen in to hear more about Olivia and Sabrina’s struggle with anxiety and how they both made significant improvements in their lives.

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ACO – Orgonomy.org


Problems of Childhood Self-Regulation in an Age of Permissiveness: Journal of Orgonomy Article

This episode features the narration of the article Problems of Childhood Self-Regulation in an Age of Permissiveness by Peter A. Crist, M.D. reprinted in the Journal of Orgonomy Volume 46 number 2. Originally published in Volume 33 in 1999, Dr. Crist’s article is even more applicable today as parenting has become increasingly indulgent in today’s anti-authority social environment. We hope you’ll share this important information with parents and educators so that those responsible for child-care can have a functional perspective, free of both moralism and an “anything goes” lenient approach.

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ACO – Orgonomy.org

Beyond Tantrums: Connecting with a Troubled Three-Year-Old

This episode features the audio from one of our ACO case presentation series webinars, “Beyond Tantrums: Connecting with a Troubled Three-Year-Old” In this episode, Alberto Foglia, M.D. tells Dr. Burritt about a three-year-old girl named Aline that he’s treating for terrible tantrums, problems sleeping, and silly clown-like behavior. He explains how her treatment vividly demonstrates a key discovery of Wilhem Reich which is fundamental for Medical Orgone Therapy.

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The Journal of Orgonomy Print and Download Subscription Link

ACO – Orgonomy.org


A Family Deals With Its Emotions: Part I – A Discussion with Dr. Chris Burritt

This episode features a discussion with Chris Burritt, D.O. about his article published in the Journal of Orgonomy entitled, “A Family Deals with Its Emotions: Part I.” After reading the article about two parents managing their young child’s emotional upheaval, Dr. Burritt discusses with Susan Marcel, D.O. how he has helped this family and others balance emotional expression with restraint when it comes to healthy ways for both children and parents to express themselves. He also addresses a parent’s counter-productive emotional character traits, and how to manage the way parents relate to each other.

The Journal of Orgonomy

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org

Handling a Teenager’s Rage in Therapy

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO case presentation series webinars. Jackie Bosworth, M.D. tells Dr. Burritt about her adolescent patient Drew who lived in a residential treatment facility for children at risk. She had great difficulty managing her anger and frustration and attacked anyone who got in her way. Listen in to hear how Dr. Bosworth was able to connect with Drew and provide relief for this teenager’s pent-up emotions. The doctors also respond to audience questions about self-harm and managing children who need healthy outlets for their anger.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org

My Experience in Medical Orgone Therapy: Jen

This episode features the moving story of a patient named Jen who shares a part of her emotional development and reveals how her experience in medical orgone therapy changed her life for the better. Dr. Burritt’s interview with Jen touches on her unhappiness in a family relationship; the difficulty she faced in college where almost everyone around her used drugs or alcohol to help them navigate their new-found independence and the pressure of academia; the challenges and joy of becoming a mother and how therapy enabled her to find deep satisfying love.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org

Therapy Changes the Chaotic Life of a Troubled Teenager

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO case presentation series webinars. Salvatore Iacobello, M.D. tells Chris Burritt, D.O. about his patient J.D. who was suffering from tics, anger and an inability to get along with peers or his parents. Dr. Iacobello was tasked with working with J.D., his parents and his school to calm the chaos in his family, alleviate the conflicts between him and his school, and improve how J.D. functioned in the world around him. Listen in to hear how Dr. Iacobello was able to connect with and offer relief to this young man who previously had no success with numerous professionals, multiple medications or hospitalization.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org

Treating the Effects of Permissive Parenting

This episode features audio from one of our webinar presentations. Chris Burritt, D.O. and Alberto Foglia, M.D. discuss the care of Dr. Foglia’s patient, Mario. He was a hyperactive, aggressive, and angry three-year-old boy who terrorized other children in his pre-school. The presentation and discussion demonstrate the powerful effects of medical orgone therapy but also highlight a key aspect: the importance of distinguishing primary healthy expressions and emotions from secondary unhealthy ones. Listen in to hear how Dr. Foglia helps Mario and his mother and demonstrates the importance of setting boundaries and asserting natural parental authority when raising children.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org

Therapy Transforms An Anxious Woman’s First Pregnancy

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO webinar presentations. Theodota Chasapi M.D. tells Ed Chastka M.D. about her patient Anna who was anxious and overwhelmed during her first pregnancy. Dr. Chasapi describes how Anna, who was nervous, physically uncomfortable, and dependent on her parents, was able to improve dramatically with a short course of medical orgone therapy.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org