Tag Archives: holistic

ADHD: A Discussion With Dr. Susan Marcel

This episode features a discussion with Dr. Susan Marcel about ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). What exactly is ADHD? Does everyone with ADHD need to take medicine? Can medical orgone therapy help a patient with ADHD? Listen in to hear how Drs. Marcel and Burritt view ADHD and how they’re successfully treating their patients. If you’d like to learn more about a bioenergetic understanding of ADHD and read a full length patient story the article referenced in the discussion is available below.

Recommended Read: Impulsivity and Its Bioenergetic Relationship to ADHD by Dr. Peter Crist

ACO – Orgonomy.org




Therapy Changes the Chaotic Life of a Troubled Teenager

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO case presentation series webinars. Salvatore Iacobello, M.D. tells Chris Burritt, D.O. about his patient J.D. who was suffering from tics, anger and an inability to get along with peers or his parents. Dr. Iacobello was tasked with working with J.D., his parents and his school to calm the chaos in his family, alleviate the conflicts between him and his school, and improve how J.D. functioned in the world around him. Listen in to hear how Dr. Iacobello was able to connect with and offer relief to this young man who previously had no success with numerous professionals, multiple medications or hospitalization.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org

Connecting with a Troubled Teen Through Trust and Music

This episode features the audio from one of the ACO webinar presentations. Susan Marcel D.O. tells Chris Burritt D.O. about her patient Myriam who had a psychotic break and required hospitalization and medicine but most importantly needed a trusting doctor-patient relationship. Listen in to hear how Dr. Marcel patiently worked with Miriam and how their shared love for music allowed them to make a special connection. With Dr. Marcel’s help, Myriam was able to heal as she addressed her mistrust and learned to tolerate and express her intense longing and other emotions.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org

Marijuana: Coming Out Of The Fog

There is a lot of talk about marijuana in the news recently whether about recreational use or “medical” use. How much have you heard about the emotional effects it has on young people? Listen to Dr. Peter Crist M.D get to the heart of his patient’s problem and hear how together they address his “who cares” attitude only reinforced by his drug use.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org


Psychiatric Emergency: Opportunity For Positive Change

Listen in and hear how Dr. Phil Heller M.D. turns John’s emergency into an opportunity for positive change. Highlighted in this presentation is the importance of a trusting doctor-patient relationship and truly understanding how a person’s characteristic attitude can be used to defend against strong emotions.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org



Life Without Medication

Listen to one patient’s struggle to feel more and face difficult emotions in therapy with Dr. Dale Rosin as she decides to live life without medication.

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org



Intro: In Contact with the ACO

Check out the intro to our podcast to find out what InContact with the ACO is all about and learn more about A Different Kind of Psychiatry!

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A Different Kind Of Psychiatry

ACO – Orgonomy.org